什么是UniVirtual Academy?
UniVirtual Academy(以下简称“我们”)是ECOSYSTEMONE LLC开发的面向中学生和高中生的课后在线学院,利用虚拟现实教育平台(以下简称为“服务”)。本隐私声明描述了UniVirtual Academy的隐私实践涉及我们收集的信息、我们如何使用信息、与谁共享信息,以及您对此的选择。

服务适用于购买UniVirtual Academy课程的学生和家庭。通过您使用我们的服务,我们收集个人信息,这些信息可以单独识别您的身份。

UniVirtual Academy收集了哪些信息?

UniVirtual Academy收集学生的个人信息。我们收集和处理这些信息,以便使用和利用我们的学习环境。

UniVirtual Academy接收学生的个人信息。这些个人信息包括姓名、地址、电子邮件、电话号码、用户名和密码。我们使用这些个人信息来提供服务,以及在我们如何共享您的信息中描述的其他有限情况下。UniVirtual Academy不需要学生参与服务所需的更多信息。

作为一名独立教师,你也有能力尝试UniVirtual Academy访问我们的服务。在这样做的过程中,当您:
(1) 创建UniVirtual Academy账户
在UniVirtual Academy上创建帐户,UniVirtual Academy将收集姓名、电子邮件地址、用户名、密码和付款信息。UniVirtual Academy使用这些个人信息来提供服务、处理付款、推广、营销和增强服务,以及就服务进行沟通。
如果您联系 UniVirtual Academy 或向我们发送任何反馈、意见或问题,您将向我们提供您的姓名和电子邮件地址。 UniVirtual Academy 使用这些个人信息来回答您的问题或询问、在必要时进行故障排除以及解决您在使用服务时遇到的任何问题。
(3) 订阅 UniVirtual Academy 提醒和更新
当您选择接收 UniVirtual Academy 提醒和更新时,我们将收集您的电子邮件地址。 UniVirtual Academy 使用此个人信息向您发送请求的提醒和更新。 UniVirtual Academy 还可能使用这些个人信息向您发送我们认为您可能感兴趣的营销信息。

UniVirtual Academy 还可能使用为上述目的收集的个人信息来防止伤害、有效维护我们的业务并遵守我们如何共享您的信息中所述的适用法律。
除了直接向我们提供的个人信息外,我们还可能在您使用服务时通过 Cookie 和其他技术自动收集信息。 这些信息包括:
(1) 使用信息
(2) 位置信息
这包括有关您所在位置的信息,可以通过您的 IP 地址确定。
(3) 设备信息。
为了收集这些信息,服务使用以下 Cookie和跟踪技术:
(4) 基本 Cookie。
使用服务需要这些 Cookie。 这些 Cookie可以对用户进行身份验证,防止服务的欺诈性使用,并保护数据免受未经授权的各方的侵害。 基本 cookie 还允许服务及其所有功能正常运行。
(5) 功能性 Cookie。
功能性 cookie 使我们能够为您提供增强的功能和个性化服务。 我们使用功能性 cookie 来记住您的登录信息、记住您的偏好、诊断服务器和软件错误,并在发生滥用情况时跟踪和减轻滥用行为。
(6) 分析 Cookie。
我们使用 Google Analytics 收集有关您使用服务的信息,以改进我们的服务。 为了收集此信息,Google Analytics 可能会在您的设备上设置 cookie,或读取已存在的 cookie。 Google Analytics 还可能从您与 Google 合作下载的应用程序中接收有关您的信息。 我们不会将通过使用 Google Analytics 收集的信息与个人身份信息结合起来。 Google 使用和共享 Google Analytics 收集的有关您访问我们的服务或与 Google 合作的其他应用程序的信息的能力受到 Google Analytics 使用条款和 Google 隐私政策(此处提供)的限制。 为了防止您的数据被 Google Analytics 使用,您可以下载适用于 Google Analytics 的 Google Analytics 选择退出浏览器插件,该插件可在此处找到
UniVirtual Academy 还可能使用为上述目的收集的个人信息来防止伤害、有效维护我们的业务并遵守我们如何共享您的信息中所述的适用法律。
UniVirtual Academy 可能出于以下目的共享您的个人信息:
(1) 服务提供商
我们可能会与我们的服务提供商共享个人信息,以代表我们履行职能并帮助我们管理服务。 这些服务提供商包括:
Teachngo 学生/教师门户
SendGrid 电子邮件服务

(2) 在UniVirtual Academy 内
如有必要,我们可能会在法律允许的范围内酌情在 UniVirtual Academy 内共享个人信息,以提供我们的服务、有效维护我们的业务。
(3) 企业改组时
如果我们进行或打算进行改变我们业务结构的交易,例如重组、合并、收购、出售、合资、转让、合并、转移、控制权变更或其他 处置我们全部或任何部分的业务、资产或股票时,我们将与第三方(包括买方或目标公司(及其代理人和顾问))共享个人信息,以促进和完成交易。 如果我们在破产或清算过程中发生破产或清算,我们也会与第三方共享个人信息。
(4) 防止伤害
(5) 出于法律目的
我们将在法律要求的情况下共享个人信息,例如响应法院命令、执法或法律程序,包括出于国家安全目的; 根据执行我们的服务条款或其他合同的要求,建立、保护或行使我们的合法权利; 针对法律索赔或要求进行辩护; 或遵守任何适用法律的要求。
教育机构可以通过联系 info@UniVirtual.Academy 来查看或更改向 UniVirtual.Academy 提供的服务信息。此外,教师可以直接访问和更改个人信息。

从他们的个人资料页面中获取信息,他们还可以删除他们的帐户。 此外,家长和法定监护人有权审查、有权指示我们删除,并有权禁止进一步使用或收集学生的个人信息。 家长和法定监护人可以同意收集和使用学生的个人信息,但不同意向第三方(我们聘请的协助我们提供服务的服务提供商除外)披露个人信息。 我们将采取合理措施来验证寻求行使这些权利的父母或法定监护人的身份。
您可以使用此处所述的方法之一来控制向 Google 提供的信息。 您还可以下载 Google Analytics 选择退出浏览器插件,可在此处找到。
您可以通过单击每封电子邮件中提供的“取消订阅”链接来选择不接收我们发送的营销电子邮件。 请注意,我们将继续向您发送有关服务、您的购买以及您请求的任何帮助所需的通知。
所有会话 cookie 在您关闭浏览器后都会过期。 可以按照浏览器的指示删除持久性 cookie。 要了解如何查看您的设备上设置了哪些 cookie,以及如何拒绝和删除 cookie,请单击此处。 请注意,每个浏览器都不同。 有关从特定浏览器查看或删除 Cookie 的信息,请单击相应的浏览器:Firefox、Firefox IOS、Firefox Android、Safari、Safari Mobile、Chrome、Internet Explorer、Microsoft Edge、Opera。 要查找与其他浏览器相关的信息,请访问浏览器开发人员的服务。 如果您重置浏览器以拒绝所有 cookie 或在发送 cookie 时进行指示,我们服务的某些功能可能无法正常运行。 如果您选择退出,我们将在您的计算机上放置一个“选择退出 cookie”。 “选择退出 cookie”是特定于浏览器和设备的,并且仅持续到从您的浏览器或设备中清除 cookie 为止。 选择退出 cookie 不适用于严格必要的 cookie。 如果 cookie 被删除或删除、您升级浏览器或从其他计算机访问我们,您将需要返回并更新您的偏好设置。
我们不支持禁止追踪(“DNT”)。 “不跟踪”是您可以在网络浏览器中设置的一项首选项,以通知服务您不希望被跟踪。 您可以通过访问浏览器的“首选项”或“设置”页面来启用或禁用“请勿跟踪”。 欲了解更多详情,请点击此处。
UniVirtual.Academy 绝不会使用任何学生个人信息向学生或其家长做广告或营销。 除双方同意的目的外,我们不会出于任何目的挖掘学生个人信息。 禁止出于向学生或其家长做广告或营销的目的而对用户内容进行数据挖掘或扫描。
我们实施并维护合理的安全措施,以保护我们收集的个人信息的机密性、安全性和完整性。 然而,没有任何安全措施或通过互联网传输数据的方式是 100% 安全的,我们无法保证我们从您那里收集的个人信息的绝对安全。
我们可能会不时更改本隐私声明。 我们会将更改发布到此页面,并注明更改生效的日期。 我们鼓励您查看我们的隐私声明以随时了解情况。 如果我们做出的更改对您的隐私权产生重大影响,我们将通过电子邮件通知您
如有疑问,如何联系 UniVirtual.Academy?

UniVirtual Academy Privacy Notice

What is UniVirtual Academy?
UniVirtual Academy LLC / ECOSYSTEMONE LLC (“UniVirtual.Academy”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) is an afterschool online Academy for middle and high school students that leverages a Virtual Reality educational platform (the “Services”). This Privacy Notice describes UniVirtual.Academy’s privacy practices in relation to the information that we collect, how we use the information, with whom we share it, and the choices you have in connection with this.
The Services are available to students and families that purchase UniVirtual.Academy classes.
Through your use of our Services, we collect personal information, which is information that individually identifies you.
What information does UniVirtual.Academy collect?
Through your use of our Services, we collect personal information, which is information that individually identifies you. We collect personal information when we provide our service:
Information Collected From students and families
UniVirtual.Academy collects personal information from students. We collect and process the information for the use and benefit of our learning environment.
Student Information
UniVirtual.Academy receives personal information on students. This personal information includes names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, usernames and passwords. We use this personal information to provide the Services, and for additional limited circumstances as described in HOW WE SHARE YOUR INFORMATION. UniVirtual.Academy does not require more information that is reasonably necessary for a student to participate in the Services
Information Collected From Students
As an Independent Teacher, you also have the ability to try UniVirtual.Academy by visiting our Services. In doing so, UniVirtual.Academy will collect personal information from you when you:
(1) Create a UniVirtual.Academy Account
To create an account on UniVirtual.Academy, UniVirtual.Academy will collect name, email address, username, password, and payment information. UniVirtual.Academy uses this personal information to provide the Services, to process payments, to promote, market, and enhance the Services, and to communicate about the Services.
(2) Contact Us
If you contact UniVirtual.Academy or send us any feedback, comments, or questions, you will provide us with your name and email address. UniVirtual.Academy uses this personal information to respond to your questions or inquires, troubleshoot where necessary, and address any issues you have with the Services.
(3) Subscribe to UniVirtual.AcademyAlerts and Updates
When you elect to receive UniVirtual.Academyalerts and updates, we will collect your email address. UniVirtual.Academy uses this personal information to send you the requested alerts and updates. UniVirtual.Academy may also use this personal information to send you marketing communications that we feel may be of interest to you.
UniVirtual.Academy may also use the personal information collected for the above purposes to prevent harm, to efficiently maintain our business, and to comply with applicable law as described in How we share your information.
Information Collected Automatically
In addition to the personal information provided directly to us, we may also collect information automatically as you use the Services via cookies and other technologies. This information includes:
(1) Usage Information
This includes information relating to your time of visit to the Services, pages visited, the frequency of access, time spent on each of page, and referring Services details.
(2) Location Information
This includes information about your location, which may be determined through your IP address.
(3) Device Information.
This includes information about the device you are using, such as hardware model, operating system, browser, and your preferences.
To collect this information, the Services use the following cookies and tracking technologies:
(4) Essential Cookies.
These cookies are required for making use of the Services. These cookies authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of the Services, and protect data from unauthorised parties. Essential cookies also allow the Services and all of its features to function properly.
(5) Functional Cookies.
Functional cookies allow us to provide enhanced functionality and personalisation for you. We use functional cookies to remember your login information, remember your preferences, diagnose server and software errors, and in cases of abuse, track and mitigate the abuse.
(6) Analytics Cookies.
We use Google Analytics to collect information on your use of the Services to improve our Services. In order to collect this information, Google Analytics may set cookies on your device, or read cookies that are already there. Google Analytics may also receive information about you from applications you have downloaded that partner with Google. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to our Services or to another application which partners with Google is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy, available here. To prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics, you can download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on for Google Analytics which can be found here
UniVirtual.Academy may also use the personal information collected for the above purposes to prevent harm, to efficiently maintain our business, and to comply with applicable law as described in How we share your information.
How we share your information
UniVirtual.Academy may share your personal information for the following purposes:
(1) Service Providers
We may share personal information with our service providers to perform functions on our behalf and to help us administer the Services. These service providers include:
Amazon cloud services
Teachngo student/teacher portal
SendGrid email service

(2) Within UniVirtual.Academy
Where necessary, we may share personal information within UniVirtual.Academy as appropriate to provide our Services, to efficiently maintain our business, and to the extent permitted by law.
(3) In the Event of a Corporate Reorganization
In the event that we enter into, or intend to enter into, a transaction that alters the structure of our business, such as a reorganization, merger, acquisition, sale, joint venture, assignment, consolidation, transfer, change of control, or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock, we would share personal information with third parties, including the buyer or target (and their agents and advisors) for the purpose of facilitating and completing the transaction. We would also share personal information with third parties if we undergo bankruptcy or liquidation, in the course of such proceedings.
(4) To Prevent Harm
We may share personal information if we believe it is necessary to detect, investigate, prevent, or take action against illegal activities, fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the rights, property, or personal safety of any person.
(5) For Legal Purposes
We will share personal information where we are legally required to do so, such as in response to court orders, law enforcement or legal process, including for national security purposes; to establish, protect, or exercise our legal rights, as required to enforce our terms of service or other contracts; to defend against legal claims or demands; or to comply with the requirements of any applicable law.
Information Choices
Student and Teacher Information
Educational Institutions can review or change the information provided to UniVirtual.Academy for the Services by reaching out to info@UniVirtual.Academy Additionally teachers can directly access and change personal information from their profile page, the are also able to delete their accounts. Additionally, parents and legal guardians have the right to review, the right to direct us to delete, and the right to prohibit further use or collection of their student’s personal information. Parents and legal guardians may consent to the collection and use of their student’s personal information without consenting to the disclosure of personal information to third parties, other than service providers we engage to assist us in providing the Services. We will take reasonable steps to verify the identity of a parent or legal guardian seeking to exercise these rights.
Independent Teacher Information.
As an Independent Teacher, you can amend or view certain personal information of yours in our possession by logging in to your account.
Google Analytics.
You can control the information provided to Google by using one of the methods set forth here. You can also download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on for Google Analytics which can be found here
(4) Marketing Emails.
You may opt-out of receiving marketing emails from us by clicking the “unsubscribe” link provided with each email. Please note that we will continue to send you notifications necessary to Services, your purchase, and any assistance you request.
(5) Cookies
All session cookies expire after you close your browser. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your browser’s directions. To find out how to see what cookies have been set on your device, and how to reject and delete the cookies, please click here. Please note that each browser is different. For information on reviewing or deleting cookies from specific browsers, click on the appropriate browser: Firefox, Firefox IOS, Firefox Android, Safari, Safari Mobile, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera. To find information relating to other browsers, visit the browser developer’s Services. If you reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent, some features of our Services may not function properly. If you choose to opt-out, we will place an "opt-out cookie" on your computer. The "opt-out cookie" is browser and device specific and only lasts until cookies are cleared from your browser or device. The opt-out cookie will not work for strictly necessary cookies. If the cookie is removed or deleted, if you upgrade your browser or if you visit us from a different computer, you will need to return and update your preferences.
Do not Track Disclosures
We do not support Do Not Track (“DNT”). Do Not Track is a preference you can set in your web browser to inform Services that you do not want to be tracked. You can enable or disable Do Not Track by visiting the Preferences or Settings page of your browser. For further details, click here.
UniVirtual.Academywill never use any student Personal Information to advertise or market to students or their parents. We will not mine student Personal Information any purposes other than those agreed to by the parties. Data mining or scanning of user content for the purpose of advertising or marketing to students or their parents is prohibited.
Nevada Residents
If you are a consumer in the State of Nevada, you may request to opt-out of the current or future sale of your personal information. We do not currently sell any of your personal information under Nevada law, nor do we plan to do so in the future. If you have any questions regarding our data privacy practices, please contact us at info@UniVirtual.Academy
Information Security
We implement and maintain reasonable security measures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of the personal information we collect. However, no security measure or modality of data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure and we are unable to guarantee the absolute security of the personal information we have collected from you.
Changes to this Privacy Notice
We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. We will post the changes to this page, and will indicate the date the changes go into effect. We encourage you to review our Privacy Notice to stay informed. If we make changes that materially affect your privacy rights we will notify you by email
How can I contact UniVirtual.Academy with questions?
If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us via email at info@UniVirtual.Academy.